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"Justice melds every aspect of the show into a delightful entertainment"
"Justice's Poppins is a delightful trifecta of clever set, strong performances, and important life lessons served up with a spoonful of humor."
"Justice squeezes every last drop of potential for each action scene into a hilarious, kinetic frenzy."
"Panelists praised Roderick Justice’s choreography as “humorous and clever”, “perfectly suited to the cheesy-licious songs”; “some of the best dancing I have ever seen..."
"Perhaps the best part of “Peter Pan JR.” is how conscious The Children’s Theatre is of their audience. Roderick Justice personally gave the curtain speech, where he warmly explained theater etiquette for first-time audience members."
"His season has been exceptional and the current production of Tarzan, based on the Disney film, is a step above."
"(Justice's) talents are in full bloom as HSM2's director and choreographer."
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